dESPair Online Systems
(Hosted by Lago Espirito IT Center)

Frequently Asked Questions

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About Flight states

Whenever you file a flight, you specify the state of this flight as
one of the three options: scheduled, open or closed. So, what does that

Scheduled: this flight is scheduled for later ->
blue dot in the logbook listing
Open : the flight is currently going on ->
red dot
Closed : the flight has ended ->
green dot

Schedule a flight
Whenever you assign yourself to a scheduled flight from the Scheduler
section, the system will automagically create a flight in the logbook
with a state = scheduled -> and shows a blue dot in the listing.

Closing a flight
Scheduled flights usually only feature a part of the required log data, because
no one knows if the flight really reaches its destination, nor at what time, etc.
That's the data you only know after the flight... Once the flight has been performed,
you go to the logbook, pick the flight (click it's Flight number), and chose -> EDIT
from the menu bar. Then you supply the missing values, and change the state for the
flight to "Closed".

Open a flight
If we fly coordinated missions, then, the Open state becomes useful. "Coordinated"
means: flying in dependant sequences. E.g. flight 1 brings a bunch of PAX
to point X, where flight 2 and 3 pick them up. PIC for flight 2 and 3 will watch
the logbook and see how the flight 1 changes from "scheduled" to "open" - showing
that the flight is now going on. Once flight 1 has landed, he changes the
flight state to "Close" - the green light shows up in the log, and flight 2
and 3 now know the passengers have arrived... changing a flight state is currently
done by selecting the flight from the log list, click Edit, change the state
radio button and save/update the flight.