dESPair Online Systems - FAQ
How to change filed flight data

Use the classic metaphor for editing a document of data: first you need
to tell the computer (by selecting it) which document you want to use,
then you edit the data and update/save the document. That's the same
procedure in the logbook.

First, you pick the flight from the logbook flights listing by clicking
it's (underlined) flight number. This will "open the document", resp.
show the detail view for the flight.


Now, and only now, the Menu button "New" has changed to "Edit", showing that you can now edit the selected and displayed flight data.


Once you clicked the "Edit" Button, the system presents you a big form
with almost all filed data in editable fields.


Here, you change the numbers and texts at your will. At the top of the form, you find the "flight state" radio buttons.

Take care of the date formats. Here in the Edit form, I've not yet implemented a proper date check. You need to keep the dates in Unix-style: YYYY-MM-DD.

[Known issues]
Some of the updates currently fail due to wrong internal calculations. This
e.g. counts for fuel consumption. The "Calculate" Link right hand from the
Expenses>A/C cost field does not yet work. These things will be fixed asap.